The Sculpture      The sculpture was our central design element, an imposing structure full of pent up tension and power. To get this core element just right we needed to pick the perfect rugby pose. Collaborating with RTE's Paul Gibney we settled
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 The Studio      The studio space plays a very different role to the title sequence, so it naturally took on a slightly different composition and tone to the opener. Here we needed to open up the space more and allow more light in to fill the space.
 CREDITS      Client RTE   RTE Design Paul Gibney   Creative Director Donal O'Keeffe, Manus Goan   Producers Emily Bourke, Talma O'Sullivan   Production company WindMillLane  Studios   Designers  Manus Goan, Donal O'Keeffe, Arron Amor, Ingrid Tsy   D
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